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May 19, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 11:15 am
Maitreya Kadampa Buddhist Center
8400 Baymeadows Way #7
8400 Baymeadows Way #7
How To Solve Our Human Problems
An exploration of the causes of our daily problems and difficulties, and the solutions to them. We’ll learn how to use Buddha’s teachings to change our world by changing our mind. Teachings and meditations with Kadam Carol Lutker.
Everyone welcome!
$13 donation
$6 for students
Free for members
(subject to change)
5/19 | Why we get angry |
5/26 | How anger harms us |
6/2 | Four Noble Truths – Buddha’s first teaching |
6/9 | The Power of Patience |
6/16 | Building Resilience HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY! |
6/23 | Not retaliating when we are harmed |
6/30 | InTERdependence |
7/7 | Overcoming Perfectionism |
Want to learn more?

- You can find the meditations of this series on the book How To Solve Our Human Problems, by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. It can be purchased in the bookstore at our Center, or online here at Tharpa.