Monthly Classes and Branch Classes

Healing with Mo, Mystic Light Center
2825 N 10th St Ste C
St Augustine FL 32084
General Program – Tuesday night class
1st Tuesday of the month
6:30 – 7:45pm
Healing Within
Join us to learn and practice powerful meditations for healing and blessing, removing outer and inner obstacles, and deepening our inner peace. Practical applications of Buddha Shakyamuni’s core teachings.
This St Augustine class will meet monthly on the first Tuesday, with different meditations and topics each session.
Teachings and meditations with Kadam Carol Lutker.
Everyone welcome!
Jan. 7 | Feb. 4 | March 4 |
Apr. 1 | May 6 | June 3 |
July 1 | Aug. 5 | Sep. 2 |
Oct. 7 | Nov. 4 | Dec. 2 |
$20 fee for each session
Members only: online option is free

3rd Wednesday of the month
7:45 – 8:15 am
Morning Meditations with Misa
Start your day with a calm and focused mind with these guided breathing meditations for everyone. You can stay peaceful all day!
These meditations will meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, with Kadampa Teacher Misa Simmons. Everyone welcome!
Jan. 15 | Feb. 19 | March 19 |
Apr. 16 | May 21 | June 18 |
July 16 | Aug. 20 | Sep. 17 |
Oct. 15 | Nov. 19 | Dec. 17 |
Free for Maitreya Center membersIN-PERSON